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Refund and Returns Policy

We want you to be satisfied with your purchase, but we understand that sometimes refunds are necessary. If you are not satisfied with a course, video, or other content that you have purchased on our website, you may request a refund within 24 hours of your purchase.

To request a refund, please contact us with your order number and a brief explanation of why you are requesting a refund. We may ask for additional information to process your refund.

If we approve your refund request, we will refund the purchase price to the original payment method used for the purchase. Refunds may take up to 10 business days to process.

Please note that if you do not apply for a refund within 24 hours of your purchase time, your request will be rejected, and you will not be eligible for a refund.

We reserve the right to refuse refunds for any reason, including but not limited to suspected fraud or abuse of our refund policy.

Goods purchased at our shop can only be returned if they malfunction or broken. The item must be in its original condition and packaging. Please contact our customer support team to initiate a return and receive a return authorization.

If you have any questions regarding refunds you can ask us at info@sumairsembedded.com.

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